Friday, December 28, 2007

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Yipee! Milk and cookies!

On my way!

Although I've only bee gone since Friday, it sure seems like alot
longer. I'm told that I have fresh chocolate chip cookies waiting for
me. Just one more short flight between me and fresh cookies!

Left to right: Will, Grandpa, & Allen

Me and Owen

Tim has two brothers named Rob (I'm one of them), but the other Rob (the father of Owen) is my nephew. Tim is his own uncle!

Will and Owen

Try following this: Will is Allen's brother (Will and Allen are brothers). Tim is Allen and Will's father (so far, so good right). Rob is Owen's father and Tim's brother. Tim is my brother, but Owen's father is my nephew!

Allen and his cousin Owen

Allen is my brother's son (that makes him my nephew right?) and Owen is my nephew's son (you keeping up?), but Allen and Owen are cousins. Don't hurt yourself too much thinking about it.

A changing point in my life

I'm at a loss for words to describe how much this lady (and her family) changed my life.

Although the purpose of my trip to Idaho was to see my little brother get sealed to his wife in the Idaho Falls Temple, another highlight of my trip was being able to meet up with an old friend. I hadn't seen them for 26 years!

Idaho Falls Temple

Roberts Butt(e)?

Yes, I'm back and waiting at the SLC Airport, and since I'm bored, I'm going to post some more pictures. This one is just begging me to Photoshop the "e" put of the picture!

Finally some sun!

Just my luck. The sun made its first appearance on my way back to the airport!

Here we go again

Well, im on my way back home. I have had enough of the 15-20 degree weather. This is freaking cold! I'll take Arizona's version of cold (40-50 degrees) any day!

I can't believe that they wouldn't let me on the plane with my toothpaste! What was I going to do with it? I don't think that even McGyver could be dangerous with a half-empty tube of Colgate!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

My boredom blog?

I've heard from some people that this should be called my "boredom blog", but I'd rather think of it as my "iBlog".

This whole thing started the other day (I guess I'd was really only yesterday) when I read that Google had made blogging easier for mobile devices. The article I read specifically mentioned iPhones and I (naturally) had to learn more. Yes, I guess it started out because I was bored at the airport, but I really wanted to see how much I could do just using my iPhone. So far, I think I'm doing pretty good.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Rexburg temple

What a pretty temple. I'm going to have to go see it when I have my good camera out.

How about a little sun please!

I made it. This definitely isn't Phoenix!

Finally getting on the plane to Idaho

I didn't realize they were going to make me walk outside for hundreds of yards! I about froze my butt off!

Well, since I'm bored again...

I'm having fun posting pictures. Here's what we see any time the dogs (Frodo and Sam) are outside for longer than five minutes! They're definitely spoiled.

Met a great friend at the airport

After a (very) cramped (but short) flight, I made it to SL. I ran into an old friend) of mine and he bought me lunch (aren't friends great!). I now have another hour before I catch another plane to Idaho Falls.

Bored from the airport

Well, I'm not sure this is working, but I'm pretty much bored sitting
here at the airport. So, what the heck, right?